Friday, May 13, 2011

Chocolate Mint

When I was at a viola lesson, my mom walked down the street to a local nursery to scout it out. When she was there, she saw the oddest thing. Something called Chocolate Mint. Now this isn't the first time my mom has seen chocolate mint. I got it about a year ago, and when I brought it home, she was sceptical. I brought it into science class and it was quickly devoured by my friends. So when my mom brought it home, I was incredibly excited. It seems to lose its flavor sometimes but, out of the three mints I own, this one is the strongest. Its grown so much that I am going to have to dry it. So if any of you have ever grown or tired chocolate mint, comment and tell me all about it. I'd love to hear.

Friday, May 6, 2011


For as long as I can remember I have LOVED cucumbers. The crunch of a fresh cucumber is amazing but unlike carrots they are easy to bite in to and the way they are juicy but not in a runny, get everywhere, tomato sort of way is something I love. Its just so convenient. So when my dad went out to buy gardening stuff, he picked up cucumbers because he thought I'd love them. And boy was he right. I really cant wait to grow them up big and strong and then make my own pickles, all the way from scratch since I grow everything needed.

Can you see them? They are those little green weed looking things. It hard to imagine those ever growing into something really delicious and big like a cucumber but I know it'll happen. I really can't wait until they full grown. Promise to post more pics as things change, but I wouldn't hold your breath. They did sprout up the first time I put them in dirt so I'm hoping it'll keep going. I really can't wait till I get to feast in the fruits of my labor!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Taking FarmVille offline

In this digital age, gardening as really been replaced. Victory gardens have changed to Free Rice, and gardening isn't a huge hobby for teens like it use to be. My parents have always said I was born in the wrong era, because of all the things I love to do. So this is the chronology of my attempts to take FarmVille off-line and into my garden. Well then back online because this blog is, but you get the idea. So basically what I am going to do is write about my garden. Through in pictures and a little humor and you get what I hope is an amusing blog. Key word: hope. Well then, see you at my next post.